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Your Clothes Will Look New if you Use a Waterproof Spray Coating

Your Clothes Will Look New if you Use a Waterproof Spray Coating

In previous posts, we have often described how to protect car paint and interior, yacht board and deck, and many other metals, glass, and plastic things that are around us. However, we caught ourselves thinking that we have missed something. This something is the closest thing to our body, it’s cloth. Nasiol produces a product which provides reliable waterproofing for fabric, suede, and nubuck—PerWear.


Using this product makes cloth easy to clean, protects from stains and accidental spills, and reduces the damage that delicate fabric can get during laundering. Also, it will be useful if you don’t know how to keep clothes from fading. PerWear formula saves brightness of colors and protects prints from erasing.

Cleaning Clothes – Tips and Advice

Fabric waterproof nano coating helps to protect your cloth, but it’s not almighty. A material gets the most significant damage during the washing process because many people don’t follow simple rules which, by the way, are essential. We collected some of them and want to share them with you.


How to keep clothes looking new after numerous laundering:

  1. Wash in cold water. Even if you read on the tag that this piece of cloth can be washed in hot water, we recommend avoiding this. In any case, hot water destroys material faster.
  2. Forget about chlorine bleach during cleaning clothes. Now you know that a much better substitute is vinegar, a natural brightener that is in any kitchen.
  3. Try not to use heat dryer machine, they damage fabric over time. The best way to dry your clothes is to hang them outside, or indoors on a drying rack.
  4. Read tags and care labels. Often people don’t pay attention to them, and afterwards they wonder why a shirt has become faded and shabby, using incompatible detergents.
  5. Use a proper stain remover. All of you have had difficulties when stain remained after washing. In such cases, people use special cleaners, which definitely help. However, before applying, read their description and manual, because not all of the cleaning products fit all of the materials.
  6. Don’t cut hanger straps. Often people do this, thinking that they are useless. It’s the wrong point of view. Hanger straps are used on clothes made from soft fabric. When you hang this piece of cloth without using them, you stretch material which will not get back to its essential condition.
  7. Plastic bags can damage your clothing. After some period, plastic can begin to interact with the fabric. The best way to prevent this is to use plain cotton sheets or a cloth garment bag.

We hope you found something useful for yourself, and that we helped a little bit if you didn’t know how to keep clothes looking new and prevent color fading.


  • Robert Smith

    Great Read! Looks like now I will have brand new shoes all day long!

    • Nasiol Expert

      Exactly! You can also keep your clothes, personal accessories looking new by using Nasiol PerWear, PerShine.

      If you are seeking additional information, please send us an email at [email protected]

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Nasiol PerWear

Water Repellent and Stain Protection for Fabric Surfaces