Within the past few weeks, we go to bed thinking about Coronavirus and wake up with the same thought. Our minds have tattooed with the worry of the pandemic of Covid-19. Most of us are obsessing on our daily actions wherein pre-Coronavirus days we wouldn’t have given too much thought.
From cleaning our homes to disinfecting our cars, we live in times where we must assume that every step we take could potentially contaminate us with the virus.
Even different tasks that we would not perform during the pre-Covid-19 era, such as disinfecting the groceries that we just purchased from the store or obsessively cleaning our mobile phones and tablets, our lives have switched to more cautioned society.
To many of us, the rate of the evolving events within the past weeks have taken us by surprise. And because of this, most of us are in a shock mode trying to figure out what is happening, and we are taking no chances in protecting ourselves and the loved ones.

Rush to Clean
Most experts have been warning and advising the general public on the importance of cleaning to prevent the spread of the virus. The recommendations include washing our hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds, keeping social distancing to a level where we eliminate contact with another person and wearing masks and other protective gear.
Keeping our homes, cars, and electronic devices, sanitized has become a routine task for all. Furthermore, even the cleaning of our clothing and doing laundry has changed thanks to Covid-19.
Can Clothing Carry the Coronavirus?
Even most of the population has been quarantined at home; there is still a large number of people venture outside to go to work and to do grocery shopping. The norm now, at least in most homes, is after we come from the brief trip is to remove the clothes that we just wore and wash them immediately. To some, this may sound too extreme, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
In a recent interview for an article by MarketWatch, Dr. Juan Dumois a pediatric infectious-diseases physician at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., said that “coronaviruses in general last a lot longer on a solid, nonporous surface compared to porous fabrics.” He added there is no new knowledge on the interaction of a virus with a piece of clothing. Read more about the Dr. Dumois interview on an article with MarketWatch

Doing the Laundry
Most experts do agree on one thing – to eliminate the potential virus from surviving on the surface of clothing wash your clothes in high temperatures. Experts also suggest people to use regular everyday detergent and nothing fancy to wash clothes.
For the time being while loading the washer with dirty clothes is to wear protective equipment such as gloves and face mask to prevent possible contamination.
There is no magic product that will prevent the virus from clinging on to the surface of clothing. If there is going to be a product that could potentially one day prevent viruses from appearing on our clothing is a possibility that could materialize from the field of nanotechnology. Viruses and germs are an unseen threat to our lives, and to fight the invisible enemy, using nanotechnology could provide the solution.
Nasiol is one of the five researchers and manufacturers of nanotech-based solutions in the world. Nanotechnology has excellent properties to make our lives easier, safer, and better overall. Nasiol engineers continue their research in the area of antimicrobials to develop a formula that would eventually help to kill health hazard microorganisms by in the way of just coating the surface on our homes, cars, electronic devices, and many more appropriate surfaces.